Saturday, December 12, 2015

Showing off stuff I done did.

Thought I'd take a chance to repost some of my older Comic Book minis.  I've posted some before, on various places, but I thought it'd be nice to get them all in one place.  Plus, I now own a camera that is capable of taking much better pictures.    These minis were all painted several years ago.  Some of them even a decade or more!

 First up is a Reaper Mini I converted years ago.  I added some hair, a tattered shirt and lengthened his pants.  Dab of green paint, and he's a pretty good Hulk!

Hulk still smash!

I've painted minis for a long time now, and it used to be, outside of Heroclix, there were really not too many miniatures directly based on my favorite Super Heros and Villians.  So, if I wanted to represent a character, converting was about the only way to get there.
Four Color Figs makes a ton of generic miniatures, and I decided to convert their 'Feral Warrior' into a Wolverine-proxy.  I actually made the claws from bobby pins, filed groves into the fists, and glued them down.  The paint isn't great, but it sure was fun to convert.
Need a bobby pin, bub?
Wolverine needs an enemy, otherwise he gets even more cranky.  This Reaper mini is called Sasquatch, but I thought he'd look better as Sabertooth, Wolvies long time rival.

And, while we're still on the topic of the short angry one, this was fun to paint.  It actually is just a cheap flat metal keychain.  I chopped off the ring, and put him to the brush.
Where's your keys, bub?
I found this little plastic gem in a toy store.  He's from a set called Handful of Heroes, made by Hasbro.  The other 'handful' I got were not very well sculpted, plus the scale was wacky, so I only painted the Thing.  I think you can find these figs easily enough on Ebay, and a few of them (especially the Hulks) look like they'd be great fun.

It's half-past clobberin' time

Captain America is probably my favorite of all heros (maybe tied with Batman), and I certainly wanted to add him to my collection.  I wanted a WW 2 inspired Cap, and found a perfect start, again from Reaper Miniatures, from their Chronoscope line.  I think they call this one Mack Torry, but I thought he'd be better as Steve Rodgers.  The veteran solider look just works so well for Cap.  I had an extra shield from another Cap mini, and it made the perfect addition.
GI Cap

That extra shield came from this mini.  This awesome WW2 cap came from a company called 'What The' Miniatures.

These are my work clothes

Eventually, I'll start on my Captain America and the Invaders project I've had tabled for quite some time.

Lastly, just another update on my most current miniatures, Batman, still a serious work in progress.  I just paint a little on him, between my Monster Hunter stuff.

Finally, DC represents.

Until next time!

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